Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Children are dying.

This morning we lost our seventh child in the last two weeks. Betty's son Wolbinski died this morning of hunger. Hunger you say, can't we just feed them? By the time they make it to the hospital it is often too late. Which leaves me with the question, how can we prevent these deaths? Relief food is obviously not making its way to those who need it most because those people are the weak ones the ones without friends in high places of local government that will put their name on the list for food distribution. Meanwhile I see those who have the connections selling a sack of the relief food from a local USAID food distribution. The way the people here see it free food has no rules, how can you steal free food? My question is how do we help kids like Wolbinski? How do we find Wolbinski before his mother brings him to the hospital beyond the point of recovery? How do we help Betty the mother of Wolbinski without making her permanently dependent upon charity? Mortality should never be accepted for the sake of sustainability though. So what can we do about this situation as a whole? The people here need to be able to make their own food. In order to do this they need to have education. In order to have education they need to have a stable economy. In order to have a stable economy they need to have a stable government. In order to have a stable government the people need to be honest and trustworthy. In order to be honest and trustworthy the people need to have a relationship with Jesus. I know this may sound like cheesy pop Christianity but we in the developed world too often take the values and principles that Jesus teaches and that our societies are built upon for granted.


Smidge said...

Dustin-I just read this to the kids and they have that sweet childlike attitude that they can solve this problem. It's been a fabulous lesson to talk about how Haiti got into this situation and I love how you took us through what needs to change for their to be lasting sustainability there. The kids want to send you money, send you their food, anything. Is there something we can do? How can we help? Praying for you all. The Kjelds

Rebecca said...

You are absolutely right! More than anything else, Haiti needs the light of Christ. Thank you for being there and letting your light shine. I pray that your ministry will impact not only the physical lives of the men, woman and children around you, but also their eternal lives. You are often in our prayers.

This and That said...


I will be praying for everyone there. Is this some way that we can help? It is amazing how we often forget how blessed we are to be able to have running potable water and grocery stores full of food. May God continue to give you strength.